During this period, with partial funding from the Conservation Project Program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, five comprehensive reports are prepared on natural areas in Chapel Hill that are managed by the NCBG.
Conservation Project: the William Lanier Hunt Arboretum and Gray Bluff Garden. Written during October 1988 and January 1989 by Peter S. White, Richard T. Busing, and Julia O. Larke. (NCBG, 1991)
Conservation Project: the Mason Farm Biological Reserve, final report. Written during January 1991-June 1992 by Peter S. White, Richard T. Busing and Julia O. Larke. (NCBG, 1992)
Conservation Project: The Nature Trail Area, Coker Pinetum, and Sillhouse Bottom Nature Preserve, final report. Written during December 1991-May 1993 by Carol Ann McCormick and Peter S. White. (NCBG, 1993)
Conservation Project: Laurel Hill Nature Preserve and “Billy Hunt's Garden” with an update on the rare species and exotic species of the Hunt Arboretum, Gray Bluff Garden, and the Mason Farm Biological Reserve, final report. Written during November 1999- December 2000 by Brenda Wichmann, Alla L. Wally, and Peter S. White. (NCBG, 2000)
Conservation Project: Battle Park. Written by Lisa Gienke, Stephen Keith, David Vandermast, Peter S. White, Elinor Benami, and Alan Weakley. (NCBG, 2010)
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