Plant Genera


Family Code: XYRIDA
Genus Code: XYRIS
Genus CN: yelloweyed grass
Genus Authority: L.
Genus Summary: A genus of about 300-325 species, nearly cosmopolitan (most diverse in tropical and subtropical regions, and especially South America). This "technical" genus is known well by only a few botanists, and additional undescribed taxa are possible.
Genus Identification: Identification notes: In vegetative condition, Xyris is often confused with other monocots with equitant leaves, such as Iris spp. (Iridaceae), Lachnanthes caroliniana (Haemodoraceae), and Tofieldia spp. (Tofieldiaceae).
Genus References: Kral in FNA (2000); Ward (2007b)=V; Bridges & Orzell (2003)=X; Kral (1966a)=Z; Kral (1983b, 1999); Kral in Kubitzki (1998b). Key adapted from X, GW, and Z.
Last Updated: 2019-11-29
Publish: 1

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